In today’s hiring climate, where there are more open positions than people to fill those positions, how a company treats its employees can make all the difference. Red Shoes is proud to boast a 100% retention rate of its client teams for the past two years. This is not by coincidence. We have worked hard to create an environment that makes people want to come to work and now we’re sharing those secrets with you.
Recognize Employees Publicly
Giving your all-star employee kudos one-on-one is great, but the impact is felt even more when they are recognized for their efforts in front of their peers. At Red Shoes, we have a process called SOLE Cards, where we write out a thank you card to team members who went above and beyond to help in some way, and we recognize them for their efforts. These thank you cards are then shared at our weekly all-staff meeting.
Awards and Certificates
As a company, if you hand out an Employee of the Month award, or something similar, it can be a great way to showcase the efforts of those exemplary team members. This will help boost morale and make employees want to work harder so they, too, can be recognized.
Time Off
If an employee has gone above and beyond. For example, maybe they’ve put in a lot of overtime to complete a large project. Now that the project is over, you could compensate them with an additional PTO day. Offering employees who go the extra mile a little added rest and relaxation time can be a great motivator for other team members and enhance overall company productivity. You could even take this a step further and offer all-expenses-paid trips or hotel stays for employees who achieve certain milestones.
Celebratory Events
Recognizing employees not just for great work but also for celebrating life events can go a long way. At Red Shoes, we understand that our employees are more than just employees. They have full lives outside of work. So, when one of our team members has a new baby on the way or is having a wedding, we make sure to celebrate those milestones together as a team. This sort of public recognition of our team members’ lives outside of work makes them feel valued, appreciated and seen by the company, which, in turn, results in higher productivity levels and more fulfilled team members.
As you can see, making sure to recognize your employees internally for all that they do can go a long way to helping your company succeed as well. If you are looking for help creating employee recognition programs, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at (920) 574-3253.
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